
  • The thesis is a study about power consumption and frequency scaling in Intel’s processors.


  • this site, powered by hugo, theme made by Djordje Atlialp
  • got, a TUI for various translation engines
  • sku, a TUI for playing sudoku from the terminal
  • aws-sagemaker-sentiment-analysis, a sentiment analysis model API endpoint deployed on AWS Sagemaker, using Terraform for infrastructure as code
  • glocate, a CLI for searching files and directories in the filesystem like locate/updatedb, with regex and smartcase support
  • kubectl-cautious, my first kubectl plugin, a wrapper for kubectl that checks for changes before applying them inside particular contexts, thought for production environments
  • more will be available soon…

First Level Master/Postgraduate specialization

  • Tripapp, a fullstack project using NextJS/React, Spring/Java, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Zuul, RabbitMQ. Deployed with Docker on Kubernetes using GitHub Actions for CI/CD.


Some projects may not be available at the moment due to temporary code cleanup, please be patient or contact me via mail.

Made solo:

Made with ♥ together with noc3: